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Arturia Minilab 3

Arturia's MiniLab 3: A Versatile MIDI Keyboard for Music Production

Intuitive Control and Functionality

Versatile Functionality

The Arturia MiniLab 3 is a compact and versatile MIDI keyboard that offers a wide range of features for music production. It features 25 velocity-sensitive keys, eight backlit pads, 16 rotary encoders, and two touch strips. This comprehensive control surface allows you to play melodies, trigger drums, adjust parameters, and control your DAW with ease.

Plug-and-Play Compatibility

The MiniLab 3 is pre-mapped for most DAWs, including Ableton Live, Logic Pro, FL Studio, and Cubase. This plug-and-play compatibility ensures seamless integration with your existing workflow, allowing you to get started right away without any configuration hassle.

Exceptional Sound Quality

The MiniLab 3's keys provide a responsive and expressive playing experience. The velocity-sensitive action allows for dynamic control, while the aftertouch capability adds another layer of expressiveness to your performances. Additionally, the built-in arpeggiator and chord mode offer a range of creative possibilities for generating melodies and harmonies.

Compact Design

Despite its comprehensive feature set, the MiniLab 3 is surprisingly compact. It measures just 380 x 235 x 53 mm, making it ideal for small studios, home setups, and on-the-go music production. The lightweight and durable design ensures easy portability.


The Arturia MiniLab 3 is an exceptional MIDI keyboard that combines versatility, functionality, and exceptional sound quality in a compact and portable design. Its intuitive control surface, pre-mapped DAW integration, and built-in creative features make it an ideal choice for musicians at all levels. Whether you're a beginner looking for your first MIDI keyboard or an experienced producer seeking a versatile tool, the MiniLab 3 is an excellent choice that will enhance your music production capabilities.


